Cost Breakdown
Name/Model: Gulon GLN-1A MiningMech
Technology: Inner Sphere
Tonnage: 25
Configuration: Biped IndustrialMech
Structural Cost
Armor (Heavy Industrial): (80 pts) 5.0 x 10,000 50,000.00
Internal Structure (Industrial): 25 x 300 x 1 (+) 7,500.00 = 57,500.00
Myomer (Standard): 25 x 2,000 (+) 50,000.00 = 107,500.00
Engine (Fission): (7,500 x 100 x 25) / 75 (+) 250,000.00 = 357,500.00
Gyro (Standard): 1.0 x 300,000 (+) 300,000.00 = 657,500.00
Cockpit (Industrial): 100,000 (+) 100,000.00 = 757,500.00
Life Support: 50,000 (+) 50,000.00 = 807,500.00
Sensors: 25 x 2,000 (+) 50,000.00 = 857,500.00
Heat Sinks (Single): 5 x 2,000 (+) 10,000.00 = 867,500.00
Arm Actuators: 25 x ((100 x 2) + (50 x 2) + (80 x 0)) (+) 7,500.00 = 875,000.00
Leg Actuators: 25 x ((150 x 2) + (80 x 2) + (120 x 2)) (+) 17,500.00 = 892,500.00
Total Structural Cost: 892,500.00
Weapons and Equipment Cost
Cargo, Liquid (0.5 ton) 50 x 1 50.00
Mining Drill 100,000 (+) 100,000.00 = 100,050.00
Small Laser 11,250 (+) 11,250.00 = 111,300.00
Small Laser 11,250 (+) 11,250.00 = 122,550.00
Small Laser 11,250 (+) 11,250.00 = 133,800.00
Sprayer 1,000 (+) 1,000.00 = 134,800.00
Total Weapons and Equipment Cost 134,800.00
IndustrialMech Cost
Structural Cost: 892,500.00
Weapons and Equipment Cost: (+) 134,800.00 = 1,027,300.00
IndustrialMech Cost Multiplier: 1 + (25 / 400) (*) 1.06 = 1,091,506.25
Final IndustrialMech Cost 1,091,506.00