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                 Combat Vehicle Technical Readout

Name/Model:         Comanche II [BASE]
Designer:           Vagabond
Source(s):          Custom Mordel.Net Units
Technology:         Clan (Mixed)
Technology Rating:  F
Tonnage:            30
Role:               Scout
Configuration:      OmniVehicle
Era/Year:           Dark Age / 3090
Rules (Current):    Advanced
Rules (Era):        Advanced
Rules (Year):       Advanced
Total Cost:         9,487,500 C-Bills
Battle Value:       310

Movement Type:        VTOL
Power Plant:          Nissan 160 XL
Cruising Speed:       108 kph   
Maximum Speed:        162 kph   [216 kph] 
Armor:                Starshield Ultra-Tech Vehicular Stealth
    13 tons of pod space available
Manufacturer:         Defiance Industries, Lockheed-CBM Corporation
    Primary Factory:  Furillo (DI), Furillo (LCBMC)
Communications:       Xilex-2010 with Watchdog CEWS
Targeting & Tracking: N&D Handsfree

    The Lockheed/CBM-Defiance Industries RAV-66 Comanche is a Lyran stealth armed reconnaissance
    and attack VTOL designed for the Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces. Following almost two
    decades of study and development with the aid of Clan engineers, the RAV-66 program was
    advanced into the prototype stage in 3083 before mass production began in 3085, by which
    point nearly 2.6 billion C-bills had been spent on the program.
    During the late 3060s, the LCAF then part of the Armed Force of the Federated Commonwealth
    started to formulate requirements for the replacement of its scout VTOLs then in service,
    which resulted in the launch of the Light VTOL Experimental (LVX) program. Nearly a decade
    later, following the refinement of requirements, evaluation of submissions, and the
    rebranding of the program as the Light VTOL (LV) program, the LCAF announced the selection
    of the Lockheed/CBM-Defiance Industries team's design as the contest winner, shortly after
    which a contract for construction of prototypes was awarded. The Comanche was to incorporate
    several advanced elements, such as stealth technologies, omni technologies, and a number of
    previously novel pieces of equipment. Operationally, it was to employ advanced sensors in
    its reconnaissance role, in which it was intended to locate and designate targets for
    indirect fire. Several weapon packages were planned to arm it with various cannons and
    missiles or rockets in internal bays.
    However, the RAV-66 possessed several deficits that resulted in Lockheed/CBM-Defiance
    Industries in 3090 working together with engineers from Clan Wolf-in-Exile.  In an effort to
    address these deficits, the creation of an even more technologically advanced version of the
    RAV-66 was undertaken, which has been labeled the RAV-66-2 Comanche II.

    The original Comanche was intended to be an advanced armed reconnaissance and attack VTOL.
    The Comanche was specifically tailored to the role of armed scout to replace the LCAF's
    Ferret and Sprint scout VTOLs; the RAV-66-2 is intended to fill the same role.  The RAV-66
    was powered by a General Motors 40 turboshaft standard fusion engine, capable of generating
    enough power to reach 97.2 km/h. The RAV-66-2 is powered by a Nissan 160 XL fusion engine
    built under license from Brooks Incorporated modified to Clan specifications, capable of
    generating enough power to reach 162 km/h; furthermore, the team outfitted the RAV-66-2 with
    a VTOL jet booster for bursts of speed up to 216 km/h.  The RAV-66's fuselage was 14 meters
    long, 2 meters wide, and composed of high-strength composite materials overlayed by 3 metric
    tons armor; the RAV-66-2's fuselage was 14.5 meters long, 2.3 meters wide, and composed of
    Clan-spec composite materials with integrated CASE overlayed by 3 metric tons armor.
    The RAV-66-2 as a stealth VTOL shares the same techniques and technologies of the RAV-66 to
    reduce its radar cross-section (RCS) along with other areas of visibility and detectability.
    The exterior surfaces of the RAV-66-2 are faceted and covered with Starshield Ultra-Tech
    Stealth armor plating leaving it detectable only by Bloodhound Active Probes.
    Unlike the RAV-66-2, the Comanche II carries only 13 tons of pod space instead of the 16 ton
    of the RAV-66.  The RAV-66-2 is still equipped with sophisticated avionics, including
    navigation and detection systems.  This is achieved via the use of a hard mounted Clan spec
    Watchdog CEWS package; this system serves as both an active probe and electronic counter
    measure, which is necessary for the Starshield plating to function effectively.  Utilizing
    these systems, the RAV-66's primary mission as a scout is to detect, locate, and designating
    targets for indirect fire, such as from artillery. The Comanche is furnished with a standard
    digital fly-by-wire flight control system.
    For the light attack role, the RAV-66-2 has a variety of planned Omnipod weapons packages.
    The primary configuration is equipped with a single chin-mounted 20 mm Tau-11 AP Gauss
    Rifles, which can retracted under a fairing when not in use to decrease the VTOL's radar
    cross-section. In addition, the RAV-66-2 Prime internally carried eighteen Defiance Bombard
    Thunderbolt-10 air-to-ground missiles, which are mounted on a retractable weapons pylon.
    Beyond storing munitions internally, the RAV-66-2 Prime also carries a recon camera suit for
    passive spotting and designating as well as full specification TAG for active spotting and
    designating at greater ranges than the Light TAG.
    While the RAV-66-2 redesign is successful at addressing the primary deficits of the RAV-66,
    it does so at great expense with the primary configuration costing 2.8 times as much as a
    RAV-66 Prime and the loss of 3 tons of equipment space.
    While the LCAF, under orders from the Archon himself, has placed a small run of 60 units of
    the Comanche II, its long term future remains in question do to the unit's great initial
    expense and maintenance costs.

Equipment                                                             Mass                      
Internal Structure:                          Standard                  3.00                     
Engine:                                       160 XL                   4.50                     
    Cruising MP:                                10                                              
    Flanking MP:                             15 [20]                                            
Heat Sinks (Single):                            10                     0.00                     
Control Equipment:                                                     1.50                     
Lift Equipment:                                                        3.00                     
Power Amplifier:                                                       0.00                     
Turret:                                                                0.00                     
Armor Factor:                                   48                     3.00                     
    Type:                             Vehicular Stealth (IS)                                    

    Front:                                      15                                              
    R/L Side:                                   11                                              
    Rear:                                       9                                               
    Rotor:                                      2                                               

Fixed Equipment                                             Location              Tonnage       
VTOL Jet Booster (IS)                                         Body                 0.50         
Watchdog CEWS                                                 Body                 1.50         

Alpha Strike Statistics                                                    
Point Value (PV): 21
TP: CV,  SZ: 1,  TMM: 4,  MV: 26"v
Damage: (S) 0 / (M) 0 / (L) 0
Armor (A): 2,  Structure (S): 2