Units »Search» Combat Vehicles »Gallant Urban Assault Tank SLDF-f
Design Overview
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Combat Vehicle Technical Readout
Name/Model: Gallant Urban Assault Tank SLDF-f
Designer: Dr. B, Banzai
Source(s): Custom Mordel.Net Units
Technology: Inner Sphere
Technology Rating: D
Tonnage: 70
Role: Juggernaut
Configuration: Combat Vehicle
Era/Year: Star League / 2574
Rules (Current): Standard
Rules (Era): Standard
Rules (Year): Standard
Total Cost: 2,124,450 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1,093
Movement Type: Wheeled
Power Plant: 190 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Armor: Standard with CASE
1 Autocannon/10
1 LRM 10
2 SRM 2s
5 Machine Guns
Manufacturer: Unknown
Primary Factory: Unknown
Communications: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking: Unknown
The oldest Inner Sphere nation, predating the rebirth of the
Terran Alliance as the Hegemony by half a century, the Free Worlds
League has a established a strong military presence. The century
following its development saw BattleMechs rise to become masters
of the battlefield, like the knights of old reserved for the elite. That left the bulk of
the Inner Sphere militaries still comprised of armor and infantry. Development on such
technologies continued and
vehicles like the Gallant, first fielded by the FWLM shortly before
the Third Andurien War, sought to marry new technologies with a
half-millennia-old concept of the Tank.
Bulky and menacing, the low-slung Gallant was designed with a specific role in mind—combat
in the cramped confines of an urban setting. Though the Ares conventions prohibited
conflicts in civilian districts, the rules were less clear-cut concerning industrial
complexes. The Second Andurien War had seen several bloody clashes in such environs and the
High Command wanted a vehicle that could operate in support of infantry assaults. Budget
constraints almost killed the project, resulting in the use of an ICE engine rather than the
planned fusion power plant as well as forgoing advanced armor and structural composites.
Nonetheless, the resulting vehicle was well armored and adequately (but not spectacularly)
armed, satisfying the brass. The most notable innovation on the Gallants employed in the
Reunification War (though not a feature of the earliest models) was the inclusion of
Cellular Ammunition Storage (CASE) that meant an ammunition explosion, though catastrophic
for the vehicle, would allow the crew to be rescued and the chassis salvaged. Less
spectacularly, self-inflating tires (which also used a cellular technology to maintain
integrity) allowed the vehicle to remain mobile save after the most catastrophic damage; the
Gallant’s use of wheels rather than tracks was unusual for a large front-line combat
Distribution of the Gallant among FWLM forces was patchy
and the Captain-General’s adherence to the Ares Conventions
meant few were used in the role for which they were intended. Too
slow to pursue the agile MAF forces, most were relegated to escorting
supply convoys. Thanks to the Star League Defense Protocols,
many Gallants found their way into the SLDF and thus saw action
throughout the theatres of the Reunification War. Among the most
notable actions included the battle for Cerberus in the Outworlds
Alliance, where a squadron of Gallants was able to force their way
into the city center despite massed civilian resistance, and on
Apollo in the Rim Worlds Republic where the robust design staged
harassment raids against Terra Prime during the long siege.
Though many Gallants survived the Reunification War the
niche role of the vehicle—and the difficulty in upgrading its technologies—led to it
being superseded by several new, high-
tech vehicles. By the early 27th century most examples had been
relegated to reservist units. No complete Gallants survived the
Succession Wars, though several damaged copies are in the possession
of museums and private militaria collectors.
The original Gallants fielded in the Third Andurien War were very similar to the
Reunification War model but did not feature CASE (which was added in the 2570s after the
Free Worlds joined the Start League in lieu of armor). Several SLDF Gallants were fitted
with Fusion Power Plants, gaining a notable performance boost as well as energy weapons to
bolster their firepower. The modification was never an official model, however, and most
were decommissioned after the war.
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure: Standard 7.00
Engine: 190 Fusion 11.50
Cruising MP: 3
Flanking MP: 5
Heat Sinks (Single): 10 0.00
Control Equipment: 3.50
Lift Equipment: 0.00
Power Amplifier: 0.00
Turret: 2.00
Armor Factor: 280 17.50
Type: Standard
Front: 60
R/L Side: 55
Rear: 50
Turret: 60
Weapons and Ammo Location Tonnage
LRM 10 Front 5.00
Machine Gun Front 0.50
Searchlight, Mounted Front 0.50
Autocannon/10 Turret 12.00
4 Machine Guns Turret 2.00
2 SRM 2s Turret 2.00
Autocannon/10 (Ammo 20) Body 2.00
CASE Body 0.50
LRM 10 (Ammo 24) Body 2.00
Machine Gun (Ammo 200) Body 1.00
SRM 2 (Ammo 50) Body 1.00
Alpha Strike Statistics
Point Value (PV): 31
TP: CV, SZ: 3, TMM: 1, MV: 6"w
Damage: (S) 3 / (M) 2 / (L) 1
Armor (A): 9, Structure (S): 4
Specials: AC1/1/-, CASE, IF1, SRCH, TUR(3/2/-, AC1/1/-)