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                 Combat Vehicle Technical Readout

Name/Model:         Roland [BASE]
Designer:           09-Tyba
Source(s):          Custom Mordel.Net Units
Technology:         Inner Sphere
Technology Rating:  E
Tonnage:            65
Role:               Brawler
Configuration:      OmniVehicle
Era/Year:           Jihad / 3080
Rules (Current):    Standard
Rules (Era):        Standard
Rules (Year):       Standard
Total Cost:         12,340,625 C-Bills
Battle Value:       603

Movement Type:        Tracked
Power Plant:          VOX 325 XL
Cruising Speed:       54 kph    
Maximum Speed:        86.4 kph  
Armor:                Kallon Unity Weave Ferro-Fibrous with CASE
Manufacturer:         Kallon Industries
    Primary Factory:  Kirklin
Communications:       Communicator
Targeting & Tracking: Kallon Lock-On

    Imported from TRO: 3063 by Steven Satak
    House  Davion?s  forward-thinking  tactical  planners  saw the need for a successor to the
    forty-year old Rommel and Patton  tanks.    They  initiated ?Project  Gladiator?  to  create
    a next-generation Main Battle Tank (MBT) that would be the backbone of the AFFC?s assault
    and heavy armored cavalry regiments. Further impetus came from the success of Wolf ?s
    Dragoon?s  Bandit  and  Badger  OmniVehicles,  whose  new technology appealed to
    Commonwealth Command.
    The  New  Avalon  Institute  of  Science  had  already  made great   progress   with
    Project   Gladiator   when   the   Lyran Alliance seceded from the Federated Commonwealth.
    This left  the  AFFC  with  dwindling  and  increasingly  expensive shipments  of  parts
    for  its  existing  tank  brigades.    The pressure for a locally produced replacement began
    to grow ?  and  soon  Project  Gladiator  yielded  fruit  in  the  form  of  a new
    OmniVehicle design, the Roland.

    Although  an  ?Omni?  the  Roland?s  base  chassis  reveals its  intended  role:  that  of
    a  Main  Battle  Tank  (MBT).    Like successful   MBTs   of   the   past,   this   design
    is   a   potent combination of speed, armor and weaponry.  An extra light engine  powers
    the  modular  chassis  and  the  Roland  can reach speeds of 86 km/h, unusually fast for a
    tracked vehicle of this size.  Nine tons of ferro-fibrous armor provides ample protection;
    every  face  on  the  Roland  can  take  at  least  one hit  from  the  largest  weapons  in
    Inner  Sphere  and  Clan arsenals.  A hardwired CASE system protects the crew from internal
    Newly developed targeting computers and C3 slave units also appear.  They are pod mounted,
    however, allowing the tank to take a command role when necessary.  Even with its large
    engine,  plentiful  armor  and  sensitive  electronics,  the Roland still has 25 tons of pod
    space available.
    Prime Configuration
    The Prime Configuration is the fiercest.  The turret houses a  Poland  Gauss  rifle  that
    can  strike  targets  at  a  distance  of up  to  660  meters.    A  Blazefire  Longshot
    extended  range medium laser eases the Prime?s dependency on ammunition, but  supported  by
    three  tons  of  ammunition,  the  Roland?s crew  can  outlast  most  competing  AFVs.    At
    point  blank ranges,  the  license-built  Hotshot  flamer  serves  as  a  deadly deterrent
    to both infantry and other vehicles.
    A? Configuration
    The Roland ?A? is configured primarily for urban combat and other close quarter fighting.
    The Ultra 10 autocannon can  unleash  a  hellish  rain  of  steel  against  unsuspecting
    targets.  If its doubled rate of fire does not cripple an enemy, the  crew  can  release  a
    volley  of  deadly  accurate  Streak missiles.  To conserve ammunition, gunners are
    encouraged to take advantage of the ER medium laser until they are sure of a direct hit.
    ?B? Configuration
    The ?B?  Configuration  upgrades  the  ER  medium  laser  to an extended range large laser,
    allowing the crews to soften up  opposing  AFVs  until  they  are  within  optimum  range
    of the  Mydron  rotary  autocannon.    Two  more  heatsinks  are installed  to  combat  the
    higher  heat  requirements  of  the large laser.
    ?C? Configuration
    The ?C?  or ?Command?  variant  of  the  Roland  is  meant  to coordinate up to three other
    tanks.  A C3 Master Unit is its most  important  feature;  the  armament  consists  of  a
    solid array  of  mostly  standard  weapons  that  include  a  PPC,  a ten-tube  long-range
    missile  rack  and  a  four-tube  Streak launcher.

    The   Roland   was   first   deployed   to   the   Ceti   Hussar Regiments,   where
    veteran   tank   crews   initially   met   it with  skepticism.    Only  after  months  of
    putting  their  new Omnitank   through   every   possible   trial   ?   including   an
    unauthorized  low-altitude  drop  ?  were  the  Hussars  willing to  acknowledge  the  new
    machine?s  potential  and  begin to  fully  integrate  Rolands  into  their  specialized
    combined-arms  tactics.    Shortly  afterward,  the  Armed  Forces  of  the Federated
    Commonwealth gave Kallon Industries the green light for further production.

Notable MechWarriors:
    Bruce  Van  Zandt,  Clarence  Federici,  Steven  Lofgren,  and  Gary Bittan
    The   crew   of   a   First   Ceti   Hussars   Roland   recently proved  their  worth
    against  the  cadets  of  the  First  Conroe Training  Battalion  on  Tancredi  IV.    Aware
    that  they  were fighting future soldiers of the AFFC, the Roland crew relied exclusively
    on  their  targeting  module  to  surgically  disable the cadet?s BattleMechs.  Although it
    took much longer, they and another Roland were  able  to  neutralize  a Chameleon,  a
    Valkyrie,  and  an Enforcer  without  inflicting  more  than  minor  injuries  to  the
    pilots.    Van  Zandt  and  his  crew  later  treated  their ?foes?  to a  round  of  cold
    beers  and  a  critique  of  the  Conroe  Cadets? tactics.

Equipment                                                             Mass                      
Internal Structure:                          Standard                  6.50                     
Engine:                                       325 XL                  18.00                     
    Cruising MP:                                5                                               
    Flanking MP:                                8                                               
Heat Sinks (Single):                            10                     0.00                     
Control Equipment:                                                     3.50                     
Lift Equipment:                                                        0.00                     
Power Amplifier:                                                       0.00                     
Turret:                                                                2.00                     
Armor Factor:                                  170                     9.50                     
    Type:                                 Ferro-Fibrous                                         

    Front:                                      40                                              
    R/L Side:                                   32                                              
    Rear:                                       26                                              
    Turret:                                     40                                              

Weapons and Ammo                                            Location              Tonnage       
CASE                                                          Body                 0.50         

Alpha Strike Statistics                                                    
Point Value (PV): 19
TP: CV,  SZ: 3,  TMM: 2,  MV: 10"t
Damage: (S) 0 / (M) 0 / (L) 0
Armor (A): 6,  Structure (S): 4