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                 Combat Vehicle Technical Readout

Name/Model:         Panzer X
Designer:           09-Tyba
Source(s):          Custom Mordel.Net Units
Technology:         Inner Sphere
Technology Rating:  E
Tonnage:            65
Role:               Brawler
Configuration:      Combat Vehicle
Era/Year:           Civil War / 3063
Rules (Current):    Standard
Rules (Era):        Standard
Rules (Year):       Standard
Total Cost:         7,482,750 C-Bills
Battle Value:       1,028

Movement Type:        Tracked
Power Plant:          VOX 260 Light Fusion
Cruising Speed:       43.2 kph  
Maximum Speed:        64.8 kph  
Armor:                Glasgow Limited Primo Ferro-Fibrous with CASE
    1 Defiance Killer Autocannon/10
    2 TharHes SRM 4 w/ Artemis IV FCS
    1 Surefire 444 Anti-Missile System
Manufacturer:         TharHes Industries CVD
    Primary Factory:  Tharkad
Communications:       Neil 9000 with Guardian ECM Suite
Targeting & Tracking: Cyclops Multi-Tasker 12

    imported from TRO: 3063 by Steven Satak.
    The   Panzerkampfwagen   X   is   the   second   armored fighting vehicle to emerge from
    TharHes Industries? Combat Vehicles  Division.    The  Lyran  Military,  impressed  with
    the Model  IX  assault  tank,  took  the  unusual  step  of  soliciting a  follow-up
    ?cruiser?  tank  design.    TharHes  soon  put  the finishing  touches  on  the  Panzer  X
    prototype.The  design is  undergoing  field  trials  and  will  be  produced  in  modest
    numbers  until  Lyran  High  Command  gets  a  better  feel  for this ?cruiser? tank?s

    Its most valuable assets are speed and mobility.  A 260 light fusion engine provides the
    motive power necessary to move  a  sixty-five  ton  tracked  vehicle  swiftly  across
    almost any terrain.  With a top speed of 65 km/h, the Panzer X?s role is  much  like  that
    of  the  cavalry  of  ancient  Terra,  acting  as ?shock? units as they outmaneuver slower
    armor and quickly exploit weak points in a fluid front.
    In  an  age  of  Streak  launchers  and  LB-X  cannons,  the Panzer  X  would  appear  to
    be  hopelessly  dated.    However, experienced  commanders  recognize  the  strength  of
    the Defiance autocannon and TharHes SRM racks ? flexibility as embodied in specialized
    munitions.  The main gun can fire everything  from  armor  piercing  to  precision
    ammunition and its spacious ammo bays are designed to accommodate these   unique   rounds.
    Backing   the   main   gun   are   two TharHes 4-tube short-range missile systems with
    Artemis IV fire  control.    These  launchers  can  use  Artemis,  incendiary, fragmentation
    or   standard   missiles   based   on   mission requirements.      A  further  bonus  is
    that  such  weapons  are easier to service and replace, requiring fewer man-hours of service
    and training.
    Unlike older Cruiser tanks, the Panzer X does not sacrifice protection for weaponry or
    speed.  Cloaked in ten and a half tons  of  advanced  armor  and  equipped  with  the
    Surefire 444,  this  war  machine  can  engage  the  enemy  and  move on to the next target
    with relative impunity.  An electronic countermeasure  suite  grants  a  final  measure  of
    protection to the vanguard of a 31st century tank battalion.

    The   first   Panzer   X?s   were   sent   to   Militia   regiments throughout  the
    Alliance.  This  is  an  uncommon  move,  as elite  units  on  the  front  lines  typically
    handle  ?shakedown? missions.    However,  Landgrave  Wellby  himself  is  said  to have
    petitioned  House  Steiner  for  this  initial  deployment.  His  reasoning  was  sound;
    the  Panzer  X  is  effective  against ?Mech-equipped forces, but really comes into its own
    when used against enemy armor and infantry.  Many garrisons are assigned only a few
    BattleMechs, and such local commands stand to benefit most from the Panzer X.
    Long accustomed to receiving cast-off gear from better-equipped   units,   Militia
    regiments   are   understandably enthusiastic  about  testing  the  new  vehicles.   The
    Panzer  X is  proving  to  be  versatile,  deployed  in  lance  formations  to take
    advantage  of  its  flexibility.    While  critics  dismiss  the distribution  as  a
    publicity  stunt,  the  concept  of  a  cruiser tank  has  proven  popular  with  militia
    commanders,  who defend  their  enthusiasm  by  referring  to  recent  events  on Bolan as
    There,  the  redeployed  Dixie  CTM  defended  against a  landing  by  the  elite  Third
    Crucis  Lancers.    A  combined force  of  Militia  Panzer  Xs  and  BattleMechs  inflicted
    heavy casualties on the Lancers? third battalion at their LZ, reducing it to company

    A few field refits have been observed.  The so-called ?X6? trades its TharHes Blue missile
    systems for the larger TharHes Maxi SRM-6 pack.  The tradeoff involves fewer reloads, so it
    is  unlikely  that  this  version  will  become  popular.    A  more promising  ?XB?
    variant  replaces  the  Guardian  ECM  with  a Beagle Active Probe.  Useful for detecting
    hidden enemies, this   version   may   begin   production   once   the   Panzer   X
    encounters  battle  armor.    Finally,  the  Panzer  X  may  share the ?Panzerkampfwagen?
    designation with the Model IX, but there are no real plans for a unified series of vehicles
    and so far these two tanks have only the name and manufacturer in common.

Notable MechWarriors:
    Sayakbai Kokobaev, Aziz Bagishev, Asambek Kulov, Guljan Musuralieva and Bermet Aitmatova
    These crewmembers trace their ancestry to the nomadic peoples of Terra?s Central Asia.  As
    descendants of the proud horseman  of  the  steppes,  they  are  perfectly  at  home  in  a
    cruiser tank.  They are renowned in the Koniz PTM for their proud  displays  of  cultural
    heritage.  When  camped  for  the night  on  field  maneuvers,  they  do  not  sleep  in
    standard Lyran military tents, preferring instead to live in the yurts of their ancestors.

Equipment                                                             Mass                      
Internal Structure:                          Standard                  6.50                     
Engine:                                  260 Light Fusion             16.00                     
    Cruising MP:                                4                                               
    Flanking MP:                                6                                               
Heat Sinks (Single):                            10                     0.00                     
Control Equipment:                                                     0.00                     
Lift Equipment:                                                        0.00                     
Power Amplifier:                                                       0.00                     
Turret:                                                                2.00                     
Armor Factor:                                  188                    10.50                     
    Type:                                 Ferro-Fibrous                                         

    Front:                                      45                                              
    R/L Side:                                   39                                              
    Rear:                                       25                                              
    Turret:                                     40                                              

Weapons and Ammo                                            Location              Tonnage       
Anti-Missile System                                          Turret                0.50         
Autocannon/10                                                Turret                12.00        
2 SRM 4 w/ Artemis IV FCS                                    Turret                4.00         
Anti-Missile System (Ammo 12)                                 Body                 1.00         
Autocannon/10 (Ammo 20)                                       Body                 2.00         
Autocannon/10 (Ammo 10) [Precision]                           Body                 2.00         
CASE                                                          Body                 0.50         
Guardian ECM Suite                                            Body                 1.50         
SRM 4 (Ammo 25) [Artemis IV]                                  Body                 1.00         

Alpha Strike Statistics                                                    
Point Value (PV): 30
TP: CV,  SZ: 3,  TMM: 1,  MV: 8"t
Damage: (S) 3 / (M) 3 / (L) 0
Armor (A): 6,  Structure (S): 4
Specials: AC1/1/-, AMS, CASE, ECM, SRCH, TUR(3/3/-, AC1/1/-, AMS)