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                 BattleMech Technical Readout

Name/Model:         Blood Kite II 11 (AS)
Designer:           Thunder
Source(s):          Custom Mordel.Net Units
Technology:         Clan (Mixed)
Technology Rating:  F
Tonnage:            85
Configuration:      Biped BattleMech
Era/Year:           Dark Age / 3150
Rules (Current):    Experimental (Extinct)
Rules (Era):        Experimental (Extinct)
Rules (Year):       Experimental (Extinct)
Total Cost:         29,417,621 C-Bills
Battle Value:       4,694

Chassis:              Endo Steel
Power Plant:          340 XL
Walking Speed:        43.2 kph  
Maximum Speed:        54 kph    [75.6 kph]
Jump Jets:            Improved (Prototype)
    Jump Capacity:    180 meters [210 meters]
Armor:                Hardened
    1 ER Medium Laser
    1 Improved Narc Launcher (IS)
    1 RISC Advanced Point Defense System (IS)
    1 Anti-Missile System
    5 ER Small Lasers
Manufacturer:         Unknown
    Primary Factory:  Unknown
Communications:       Unknown with Nova CEWS
Targeting & Tracking: Unknown

    Any group of people with access to jump technology are exceedingly hard to wipe out
    completely.  There is definitly an urge to hide in the outer darkness.  Thats how IPD was in
    position to transition into a state.   Its how the Clans and other shield wall civilizations
    got started. Its where the Reichssphare came from.  And its how the Blood Spirits survived
    being completely purged.
    Even after a c fractional impactor destroyed their final colony world they still had deep
    space ships, colony vessels, transports, fragments of their Clan.  And true to their
    heritage the attempted another exodus.   An incredibly scattered and ill prepared exodus.
    They were rounded up and absorbed, their surviving warriors taken as bondsmen, with their
    bondscords cut as soon as they had absorbed enough of the IPD philosophy to be abtakha.  The
    other castes were less of an issue to absorb.  Food, Safety, Shelter, Civil Rights.  The
    situation was a definite improvement.
    For the most part, the Clan held together as a Clan.  Other remnant Clans picked up over the
    centuries had lost most of their caste systems.  For example the Widow Makers were almost a
    normal free market society except for the warrior breeding program for their military.
    There was also that attempt at a lawyer breeding program run by the merchant guild, but
    anyways...  The Blood Spirits were more cohesive and had less friction between castes
    largely thanks to the espirit de corps that had given them their name in the first place.
    Of course as their internal friction was low,  their animosity towards other clans had
    wildly intensified.  They barely tollerate other clan enclaves within IPDs sphere.  They
    really only get along with the Wolverine enclave.  The Burrock enclave they irrationally
    dislike still 60 years later, despite the burrocks attempts to make peace.  The Jaguars are
    another point of friction with both Clans still maintaining most of their clan tradition,
    leading to excessive trial and counter trial.
    The homeworld Clans the Blood Spirits activly hate.  Especially Clan Star Adder.  The Inner
    Sphere clans are not considered much better, but at least they can't be held directly
    responsible for the loss of 99.9% of their friends and relatives.  Its this extreme
    bitterness and the failure of their military strategy to protect them that has lead to some
    of the most extreme shifts in their society from clan norm.  Where the old Blood Spirits
    relied on Efficient combat machines and elite warriors to win trials to stave off the
    predations of the other Clans,  the current Blood Spirits have embraced hyper-technology,
    augmentation, and pure industrial output to rebuild their Touman.
    A much of the technology to make this feasible came from being part of IPD.  Access to
    technology most would consider experimental,  full industrial forges allowing easy
    construction of new war machines,  non germline genetic therapies to stabilize the excessive
    use of VDNI.  The manpower came from additional changes from clan norms.  Prolific use of
    Iron Wombs was used not only to jump start the next generation of warriors,  it was used to
    create sibkos for every caste.  Early on, the baby boom was so large that the average age of
    their population fell below 10 years old.  The other source of population increase was
    harvest trials against other Clan enclaves.  Usually this was not for Warriors.  Instead the
    Blood Spirits focused on harvesting members of other castes who had failed their warrior
    trials.  This would often take 2 trials,  the first against the targeted clan's warriors for
    the right to declare a harvest trial,  and a second trial against their prospective recruits
    to fufill the requirements of honor.  Recruits would be made bondsmen and sent through boot
    camp; where they would stay until they either qualified or quit to be reassigned to another
    While this increased the personnel quickly, it did have detrimental effects on quality.  In
    order to find the cream of the crop for their mechwarrior program, new warriors would start
    as protomech pilots.  The exceptional amongst them would be promoted to be mechwarriors,
    which given the extensive use of interface cockpits could just be likened to an oversized

    The Blood Kite II is effectivly the totem mech to the Modern Blood Spirits.  Weighting in at
    85 tons, this weight offers the optimal blend of firepower and armor when its also necessary
    to maintain high mobility.  Modular construction techniques allows the chassis to be refit
    with ease leading to omnimech levels of variant proliferation.  Fortunately warriors tend to
    prefer their own variant otherwise there would never be free time on the auto forge.
    The 11(AS) variant focuses on being the anchor in combined arms operations.  Ultra heavy
    armor allows this Blood Kite to get stuck in and stay in feeding Nova data to the rest of
    its unit. Giving added protection to that data link, a small shield covers the Nova's
    housing.  The iNarc enhances the capabilities of most protomech forces given their tendency
    to rely on missile based weapons.  Multiple Anti-Missile systems protect both itself, and
    the rest of its battle formation against returning missile fire.  The weapons suite is not
    particularly impressive.  A collection of Small lasers gives good burst potential up close,
    where it wants to be anyways, but the real killer is the TSM powered kicks that can be
    delivered.  Finally a mimic sheath is applied to the exterior.  And while it can operate in
    camo mode to make a hidden mech blend into its surroundings, in close quarters combat its
    often set to dazzle mode, doing its best to obsure the mechs vector to hostile targeting

    (Alpha strike design.  The shield and AMS systems are too meh in Classic to be worth
    carrying.  But in Alpha strike they combine to degrade a considerable amount of incoming
    fire.  In addition, its the shield that adds that added bit if umph to this mechs melee
    capability.  It would much rather melee for 6 then shoot for 3.
    On the classic side,  not very impressive.  I actually don't know how bad the heat is,
    because i wasnt paying much attention to it.  I only adjusted the weapons until I had 3
    damage and an overheat of 1.)

Equipment                                                             Mass                      
Internal Structure:                         Endo Steel                 4.50                     
Engine:                                       340 XL                  13.50                     
    Walking MP:                                 4                                               
    Running MP:                               5 [7]                                             
    Jumping MP:                             6 [7] (IS)                                          
Heat Sinks (Double):                         11 [25]                   1.00                     
Gyro:                                          None                    0.00                     
Cockpit:                                    Interface                  4.00                     
Armor Factor:                                  263                    33.00                     
    Type:                                    Hardened                                           

                                    Internal         Armor     
                                    Structure        Value     
    Head:                               3              9       
    Center Torso:                      27             44       
    Center Torso (rear):                              10       
    R/L Torso:                         18             29       
    R/L Torso (rear):                                  7       
    R/L Arm:                           14             28       
    R/L Leg:                           18             36       

Weapons and Ammo                                       Location          Critical     Tonnage   
ER Medium Laser                                           CT                1          1.00             
ER Small Laser                                            CT                1          0.50             
Improved Narc Launcher (IS)                               CT                3          5.00             
2 ER Small Lasers                                         RT                2          1.00             
3 Improved (Prototype) Jump Jets (IS)                     RT                3          3.00             
2 ER Small Lasers                                         LT                2          1.00             
3 Improved (Prototype) Jump Jets (IS)                     LT                3          3.00             
Partial Wing                                            LT/RT               6          4.50             
Nova CEWS                                                 RA                1          1.50             
Small Shield (IS)                                         RA                3          2.00             
Anti-Missile System                                       LA                1          0.50             
Anti-Missile System (Ammo 24)                             LA                1          1.00             
Chameleon LPS (IS)                                        *                 6          0.00             
Improved Narc Launcher (Ammo 4) [Homing] (IS)             LA                1          1.00             
RISC Advanced Point Defense System (IS)                   LA                2          3.00             
RISC Advanced Point Defense System (Ammo 12) (IS)         LA                1          1.00             
Triple-Strength Myomer (IS)                               --                6          0.00             

* Chameleon LPS occupies 1 critical slot in each location except the Head and Center Torso

Alpha Strike Statistics                                             
Point Value (PV): 110
TP: BM,  SZ: 4,  TMM: 1,  MV: 6"/14"j
Damage: (S) 3 / (M) 3 / (L) 0,  OV: 1
Armor (A): 18,  Structure (S): 5