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                 BattleMech Technical Readout

Name/Model:         UM-RCX (Derbie Urbie "Ludmilla") Urbanmech
Designer:           Admiral Avocado`
Source(s):          Custom Mordel.Net Units
Technology:         Inner Sphere
Technology Rating:  E
Tonnage:            30
Role:               Scout
Configuration:      Biped BattleMech
Era/Year:           Clan Invasion / 3061
Rules (Current):    Standard
Rules (Era):        Standard
Rules (Year):       Standard
Total Cost:         5,006,365 C-Bills
Battle Value:       623

Chassis:              Racer 
Power Plant:          GM 270 XL 210 XL
Walking Speed:        75.6 kph  
Maximum Speed:        118.8 kph [129.6 kph]
Jump Jets:            Standard
    Jump Capacity:    210 meters
Armor:                Standard
    1 Arrowlite-4 SRM 4
    1 ChisComp 32 Small Laser
Manufacturer:         A very Drunk Steiner, Orguss Industries
    Primary Factory:  Unknown (ADS), Unknown (OI)
Communications:       Unknown
Targeting & Tracking: Unknown

    The "Derbie Mech" was assembled by a noble of the Lyran Commonwealth so consistently drunk
    that all sense was absent during the production process.

    The Derby Mech can fill the role of a scout, however its actual intent is to participate in
    the infamous "Urbie Derbie". With its oversized GM 270 XL engine it has a top running speed
    of around 100 kph, bringing into question its whether or not it is an Urbanmech at all.
    Armed with an SRM4 and a small laser with a healthy dose of rear facing armor it is intended
    to get to the front of the pack and blow raspberries as it crosses the finish line.

    In its debut race in the "Urbie Derbie II: The Great Refuse-All" during the warm up process
    and standard movement troubleshooting the "Ludmilla's" triple strength myomer tore her left
    leg at the hip clean off. The team awaits Urbie Derbie III.

Equipment                                                             Mass                      
Internal Structure:                          Standard                  3.00                     
Engine:                                       210 XL                   4.50                     
    Walking MP:                                 7                                               
    Running MP:                              11 [12]                                            
    Jumping MP:                                 7                                               
Heat Sinks (Single):                            12                     2.00                     
Gyro:                                        Standard                  3.00                     
Cockpit:                                     Standard                  3.00                     
Armor Factor:                                   97                     6.50                     
    Type:                                    Standard                                           

                                    Internal         Armor     
                                    Structure        Value     
    Head:                               3              9       
    Center Torso:                      10             12       
    Center Torso (rear):                               8       
    R/L Torso:                          7              9       
    R/L Torso (rear):                                  5       
    R/L Arm:                            5             10       
    R/L Leg:                            7             10       

Weapons and Ammo                                       Location          Critical     Tonnage   
2 Jump Jets                                               CT                2          1.00             
3 Jump Jets                                               RT                3          1.50             
2 Jump Jets                                               LT                2          1.00             
SRM 4 (Ammo 25)                                           RA                1          1.00             
Small Laser                                               RA                1          0.50             
SRM 4                                                     LA                1          2.00             
SRM 4 (Ammo 25)                                           LA                1          1.00             
Triple-Strength Myomer                                    --                6          0.00             

Alpha Strike Statistics                                             
Point Value (PV): 21
TP: BM,  SZ: 1,  TMM: 3,  MV: 14"j
Damage: (S) 1 / (M) 1 / (L) 0,  OV: 0
Armor (A): 3,  Structure (S): 1
Specials: TSM