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General Details
Name: Null-Signature System
Type (Category): Equipment (Other)
Reference: Tactical Operations: Advanced Units & Equipment (p. 148)
Description: Description not provided
Game Rules: Game rules not provided
Unit Type Availability
Inner Sphere Data (BattleMechs)
Prototype Date: | ~2615 |
Production Date: | — |
Extinction Date: | 2790 |
Recovery Date: | ~3110 |
BattleMech Specific Construction Rules
May be mounted on Inner Sphere units in accordance with the following construction rules:
Requires one critical slot to be allocated in each of the Arms, Legs, and Torsos Not allowed if Land-Air (Bimodal), or Land-Air (Standard) is selected for the unit's Chassis May not be pod-mounted when used on an Omni configuration Not allowed if Stealth is selected for the unit's Armor Type Not allowed in conjunction with C3 Boosted Master, C3 Boosted Slave, C3 Computer (Master), C3 Emergency Master, C3 Slave, Improved C3 Computer, or Void-Signature System May mount up to one per unit Not allowed if Targeting Computer is selected for the unit's Targeting and Tracking System WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENT COMBAT AND CONSTRUCTION TABLE
Damage (Aero)
Range (Aero)
Cost (C-bills)
Weight (Tons)
Battle Value
– (–)
– (–)
* See rules for this equipment RULES LEVEL PROGRESSION TABLE
Start Year
End Year
Rules Level
Short Medium Long Extreme Special Abilities
Special Unit Abilities
The special unit abilities described here are intended for use with the Alpha Strike rule system:
Stealth (STL) Though various stealth systems exist in the BattleTech universe, the majority are similar enough in function that Alpha Strike does not distinguish between them. These systems make a target more difficult to hit with weapon attacks (but not physical attacks), based on the range and unit type being targeted.
For attacks made against non-infantry targets with the STL special, apply an additional +1 Target Number modifier to attacks at Medium range, and an additional +2 modifier at Long range (or greater).
For attacks made against battle armor targets with the STL special, apply an additional +1 Target Number modifier at Short and Medium range, and an additional +2 modifier at Long range (or greater).
A non-infantry unit with STL is (intentionally) blocking its own emissions with its ECM. Any non-infantry Stealth unit is affected as if in an enemy ECM field, and cannot affect other units with its own ECM. However, if using the ECM/ECCM optional rules, a unit with AECM may still generate a single field (ECCM only) while the Stealth is on.
Toggling Stealth: To avoid being affected by its own ECM, a non-infantry unit with STL may toggle off its Stealth special ability in the End Phase. Place a mark above or through the Stealth special ability to note that it is off. It may be toggled back on in any subsequent End Phase.
MegaMek Output → Critical Slot: Mek Null Signature System
Record Sheet Output → Critical Slot: Null-Signature System