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MechWarrior  -  © 1989   Download Now!  File Size: 742,993 bytes
Title: MechWarrior
Current Version:
© 1989  
Member: ralgith
Date: 26-May-2007 09:58
Times Downloaded: 1051
Category: Simulators/Games
Description: This is the original DOS MechWarrior for PC. I noticed the activation code you need to enter can be anything, so the book is not required. However, when I went into a mission, the drones moved at the speed of light. So you may need something to slow that down.
Number of Reviews:  1 Write Review
Average Member Rating:  4.00
Member Review - ralgith : 02-Jun-2007 21:50
2 out of 2 users (100.00%) have found this review useful
Rating: 4.00
Comment: Once slowed down with moslow (a program that slows old DOS games down for play on modern PCs) the game was great. For Old School ;)
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