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Crescent Hawk's Inception  -  © 1988   Download Now!  File Size: 326,471 bytes
Title: Crescent Hawk's Inception
Current Version:
© 1988  
Member: Mordel
Date: 27-Feb-2004 00:00
Times Downloaded: 1178
Category: Simulators/Games
Platform: DOS
Description: I know people are usually always looking for this game, so I did some searching and discovered it for download. I grabbed it and am placing it here for download. I have to admit, that I do love this game, even after all these years. Poor graphics and all, the simplicity is amazing.

Just unzip this into a directory and run the btech.exe file. I am running Windows 2000 and it didn't have any issues running on my machine. You just need to be able to open a DOS prompt.
Number of Reviews:  6 Write Review
Average Member Rating:  4.33
Member Review - Mordel : 27-Nov-2007 19:00
0 out of 0 users (0.00%) have found this review useful
Rating: 4.50
Comment: I've always loved this game. Love it back when I played it on my 386SX and I still love it today. Although the graphics are a little out-dated. :)
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Member Review - Warhammer: 3025 : 26-Oct-2005 00:00
0 out of 0 users (0.00%) have found this review useful
Rating: 5.00
Comment: My absolute, unquestioned favorite game of all time. The first game I ever played relating to Battletech (in fact, one of my first two, the other being Quest for Glory).
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Member Review - Discord : 10-Dec-2004 00:00
0 out of 0 users (0.00%) have found this review useful
Rating: 4.00
Comment: I have some very fond memories of this game. I still have the original boxed set with all the contents for the Commadore 64. It's dated by today's standards, but a major blast from the past.
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Member Review - ChucklesTheGoat : 05-Sep-2004 00:00
0 out of 0 users (0.00%) have found this review useful
Rating: 4.00
Comment: I've been playing Battletech for almost 10 years and the Mechwarrior games for about 7. This was the first time I had played a Battletech game like this and I absolutely love it. THe dificulty level is excellent, the only weaknesses are how easy it is to collect C-Bills and how easily your character is killed in man-on-man combat.
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Member Review - Oafman : 04-Jun-2004 00:00
0 out of 0 users (0.00%) have found this review useful
Rating: 3.50
Comment: ahhh the memories. I can remember playing this game in the computer lab in college. When I was first introduced into Battletech we used to play this all the time when we were not playing the board game.
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