Member Review : 12-Jan-2007 00:00
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BattleMech: Templar TLR1-O
Rating: 4.50
Comment: The Templar is one the best "stock" inner sphere mech designs in my opinion. It is also probably the only inner sphere heavy/assault mech with an XL engine that is actually worth anything.

What I think makes the Templar so good is versatility and all-around effectiveness. It can be deployed on its own or in a group, has a very good weapons load with good ranges for the most part, has pretty good heat effectiveness, and respectible speed. Throw in a targeting computer and you have a great all around mech. Plus it looks great too! The only weakness of this design comes from (big suprise) the XL engine in that the Templar is expensive and doesn't have the durablility of non-XL designs.
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Member Review : 12-Jan-2007 00:00
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BattleMech: Templar TLR1-O (Tancred)
Rating: 1.50
Comment: This mech looks great... on paper. In reality you have a 1/6 chance of your main weapons failing every time they are fired! This is assuming you are firing the rotary a/c's at their maximum rate, but that's the only reason to have them over ultra a/c's after all. Think about this: the U.S. Army would unquestionably reject a rifle that would fail 1 in 1000 times. Why would you go into battle in a tremendously expensive war machine whose weapons have a 1 in 6 failure rate?

It is easy to be wowed by this mech's technical readout, but play with it and you will see it is a complete bust.
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Member Review : 12-Jan-2007 00:00
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BattleMech: UrbanMech UM-R60
Rating: 1.00
Comment: Ah the good ol' Urbanmech, the Inner Sphere's crappiest design. Just the sight of this mech alone probably gave the clans the confidence that they could invade and defeat the Inner Sphere. In case you've never seen one, the Urbanmech presents an intimidating sight. Imagine R2D2 if he was somehow made into a battlemech, or a walking trash can. The urbanmech has the exact same combat utility as the SRM carrier: hide it (or them) somewhere, hope the enemy doesn't discover you, and ambush them with your disposable unit. However unless you opponent is an idiot or you spring the mother of all traps this mech is basically just target practice for the enemy.
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Member Review : 12-Jan-2007 00:00
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BattleMech: Daishi (Dire Wolf) PRIME
Rating: 3.50
Comment: This mech has too many weapons and not enough heat sinks. The ER large lasers alone are enough to overheat this mech. Sure, this mech looks impressive with its arms full of weapons but unless you want to massively overheat you can't use them all. And if you can't use them that makes them wasted space.

If you want to see the Daishi live up to its potential use the A variant or your own custom model that doesn't have the heat issues.
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Member Review : 12-Jan-2007 00:00
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BattleMech: Devastator DVS-2
Rating: 4.00
Comment: This is one of the best Inner Sphere designs in my opinion, even in its stock configuration. My own personal variant drops 4 heat sinks (after all, you only really need to fire just the PPCs and Gauss rifles 95% of the time; the medium lasers are just back up weapons), adds an endo steel internal structure, and swaps the XL engine for a less vulnerable Light engine.

Overall the Devastator is as close a match to the clan mechs as the Inner Sphere can hope for.
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Member Review : 12-Jan-2007 00:00
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BattleMech: Masakari (Warhawk) PRIME
Rating: 2.50
Comment: I don't care too much for the primary variant of the Masakari. It has 4 PPCs, yet even when playing very aggressive you can't fire more than 3. But of course there's always "that guy" who goes around firing all 4 thinking he's going to blow people away, only to realize that taking out this shut down Masakari is pathetically easy, or if he's lucky, that he has no movement points the next turn. Hardly what I would call a winning strategy.
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Member Review : 12-Jan-2007 00:00
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BattleMech: Violator VIO-2B
Rating: 4.00
Comment: The Violator. The name alone should earn this mech a "5." Aside from the great name this is a pretty solid mech, and a great improvement over the dissapointing Mauler in TRO 3050. I like the efficiency of this mech, it deals with heat quite well and has two distinct weapons groups for short and long range that optimizes heat output and tonnage. Plus it doesn't have an XL engine, which means it's cheap and durable.

I could see this mech violating quite a few opponents.
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Member Review : 12-Jan-2007 00:00
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BattleMech: Tiger Prime
Rating: 4.00
Comment: First off, props for naming your mech after the most feared tank of all time, the German Tiger of WWII. This is a mech that will violate anything at medium/close range, can jump, and has good heat efficiency. Even the Kodiak can't do near this kind of damage up close without massively overheating. I like it, and would give it a "5" for a medium/close range mech, but like the 3025 Atlas it can't really retaliate (at least in the manner that I would expect from a 100 ton clan mech) against opponents that will undoubtably try to pick it apart from long range. I get the feeling that if I use this mech I will spend too much time jumping around and getting hit if I can't close the range with my opponent. Still this mech is pretty good and if joined by proper support it could be devastating.
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Member Review : 12-Jan-2007 00:00
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BattleMech: Clucking Chicken Scout CCS-0090
Rating: 4.50
Comment: This truely is the pinnacle of mech design. Why settle for boring and ugly scout mechs like the Panther when you can have this beautiful machine? This mech is the best proof of clan superiority, and from a tactical point of view this mech truely is a marvelous breakthough. It's super fast, making it nearly impossible to hit, and what mechwarrior is going to shoot at a giant robotic chicken? He'll either be staring in disbelief or admiring the courage as one so brave to pilot an unarmed mech resembling a chicken into the teeth of the enemy. The only reason I won't give this mech a "5" is because the loud clucking sound coming from the torso might give away its position during night operations and ambushes. Perhaps that will be fixed in future configurations.

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Member Review : 11-Jan-2007 00:00
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BattleMech: Atlas AS7-D
Rating: 2.00
Comment: This is by far the most overrated battlemech out there. According to the rule book that comes with the Battletech box, "...the Atlas insn't nearly as scary as it looks. This mech is painfully slow and carries an arsenal of exclusively short range firepower, with the exception of a single LRM 20 rack." You people thinking that you are going to charge at your opponent and gun them down with the ac/20 and such fail to the realize that NO ONE, I repeat, no one, is going to let you get within 6 hexes of them. And with the Atlas' slow speed you're not going to be able to chase anyone down. A Maurader II will embarress an Atlas nearly every time, and if only fairs worse against clan opponents. Further if you try to play defense with this your opponent will just pick it apart from a distance, so it fails in this regard as well. Overall a mech not worthy of its reputation.
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