Member Review : 17-Jan-2007 00:00
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BattleMech: Marauder II MAD-4A
Rating: 4.00
Comment: This mech is impossible give just one rating. As a level 1 mech it gets a "5" since it is hands-down the best mech of that era. For a mech in the post-3050 era I would say it gets considerably less than that since with the better technology you could fit all this mechs stuff on a 75 tonner, or have a 100 tonner with significantly more firepower (i.e. Devastator). So I would love to give this mech a "5" but I felt that would be misleading since this site has mechs of all technology levels, so I think a "4" would be in order to reflect its diminished power in the post 3050 Inner Sphere.

Plus the old version of the Maurader was the coolest looking mech.
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Member Review : 17-Jan-2007 00:00
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BattleMech: Mauler MAL-1R
Rating: 1.50
Comment: Wow this is just a really bad design. It has all long range weapons, and not nearly enough heat sinks, so you're either going to be not using some of you weapons or you're going to be running really, really hot. And then it has the deadly combination of an XL engine and light armor on a mech packed with ammo. Seriously this mech is like piloting a walking fireworks stand. Also, A/C 2s are the worst weapon in the game in my opinion. The four on the Mauler and their ammo weighs 26 tons and does a grand total of 8 damage maximum.

I think just about anyone can see how to tremendously improve this mech. Take out the worthless XL engine and even more worthless a/c 2s then add armor, CASE, and double heat sinks first and foremost. And after that add whatever you want with the remaining tonnage. Artemis IV and a few medium lasers maybe?
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Member Review : 16-Jan-2007 00:00
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BattleMech: Mad Cat (Timber Wolf) PRIME
Rating: 4.50
Comment: I don't really know what to say that hasn't already been said about this mech. Everyone already knows how good it is. While the primary configuration is not my favorite this mech is such a great omnimech platform that I really can't help but give it a near perfect review. My personal Madcat uses dual ER PPCs and LRM10s, which are backed up with a pair of ER Medium Lasers and a pair of machine guns.

Also it's one of the coolest looking mechs in the game.

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Member Review : 16-Jan-2007 00:00
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BattleMech: Mad Cat (Timber Wolf) A
Rating: 5.00
Comment: I decided to use this mech a few times after I noticed here that it got all "5" reviews. I'm now convinced that this is actually a mech that does live up to the hype. The other day I played a game where it was this mech and a Daishi A against six Level 1 Inner Sphere heavy and assault mechs (including a Maurader II and an Atlas). At the end the Madcat and Daishi were severely damaged and had about 1/3 of their guns working but I managed to destroy all six Inner Sphere mechs while losing neither one. The Madcat A is truely a great example of the superiority of clan battlemechs. However, as good as it is it's not invincible so don't go around being "that guy" that thinks he can take on any and all mechs you can lay on the board. I once lost a Madcat Prime in a straight up fight to a (lucky) Templar! Also, remember that a headshot effects all mechs equally no matter how good they are.

My only complaint about this mech is that it ruins the great and classic look of the Madcat with the missile launchers on its shoulders, other than that it's near perfect.
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Member Review : 16-Jan-2007 00:00
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BattleMech: Kodiak
Rating: 3.00
Comment: I like this mech, and it looks pretty good from looking at the readout, but I've yet to really find a role in which this mech excels. It's worlds better than the King Crab or 3025 Atlas, but for close combat mechs I prefer ones that can move 5/8 and are lighter and thus more expendible. I just don't think this mech does the close combat job that much better than the Cauldron-Born A, Madcat A, or Viper to justify using it. In summary, why should my 100 ton mech choice be a Kodiak over the near perfect Daishi when I can get adequate close range firepower from the above mentioned lighter mechs? I also tried attacking the enemy head on with this mech, using its above average speed to get into close range and then blasting away with its powerful short-range weapons. It'll scatter mech groups like cockroaches, but soon after they'll all concentrate their fire on your Kodiak and take you out. Yeah, it'll cause a big distraction that you can take advantage of, but using your biggest mech as a suicide attacker is not exactly what I would call a winning plan. And if you use it as sort of an anchor for your other mechs to fight around, then the enemy will just stay out of its range and make it the first mech they take out.

I think this mech might be best used as sort of an area-denial weapon - just park the Kodiak somewhere you don't want the enemy to go and then wait for someone to challenge you, and then aggressively attack and blow them apart. I'll have to try this next time I play with it. But overall I really don't understand the necessity of this mech. I strikes me as an ogre thats big and powerful but not too useful. And like I said, I've tried to find a role for it and haven't really found one yet.
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Member Review : 15-Jan-2007 00:00
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BattleMech: Turkina PRIME
Rating: 2.50
Comment: I've used the Turkina in this configuration a few times and I've always been somewhat dissapointed with it. The main thing I don't get about this mech is this: with as good as clan laser weapons are (in addition to their better heat dissapation ability), why does this mech carry 2 a/cs AND 2 big missle launchers? The most devastating clan mechs in the game in my opinion are ones like the Daishi A and Masakari C that pack nothing but powerful clan lasers and PPCs (and the heat sinks to use them all) that can hit people from 3/4 of the map away and hit hard. I just feel this Turkina has a bad choice of weapons and doesn't do the damage I would expect from a 95 ton clan mech. In response to those of you who defend this mech with "well its good for trying to get critical hits," I say: A mech of this weight is for destroying the other mechs pure and simple, not a stupid narrow mission like sniping for critical hits. The critical hitting abilities of autocannons and missle lauchers, do not, I repeat, do not make up for the damage, range, and efficiency of clan energy weapons. Thats why you don't see them on nearly all the best designs...

Hell, a $600,000 SRM/LRM Carrier is probably the best critical seeker out there, use that not your $21 million mech.
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Member Review : 14-Jan-2007 00:00
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BattleMech: Bushwacker BSW-X1
Rating: 3.50
Comment: I like the Bushwacker and use it quite often, although I prefer the BSW-S2 variant which swaps the two LRMs for two SRM 4s, in addition to replacing the a/c with an LB-X autocannon. I really like it because of its versitility and speed, and I usually use it like a safety in football, where it just kind of hangs back and then helps any other mech that needs it. In this role I think it works great and is especially useful when fighting a clan opponent.
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Member Review : 14-Jan-2007 00:00
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BattleMech: Bushwacker BSW-S2
Rating: 4.50
Comment: This is the Bushwacker living up to its potential. I never liked the LRM 5's on the old Bushwacker as it seemed like I always ended up only doing like 2 damage between the two of them, and then when I got into close range (which ended up being about half the time) they were completely useless. However I miss the machine guns of the old variant and would swap out the hardly-useful AMS to get a pair of machine guns.

Overall I would see no reason for this not to be your Inner Sphere medium mech of choice.
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Member Review : 14-Jan-2007 00:00
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BattleMech: Mandrill
Rating: 0.00
Comment: I could not believe this mech actually got published when I first saw it in TRO 3060. First off, this mech looks like Clan Fire Mandrill stole it from the Power Rangers. Second, as a design this is basically just a really expensive LRM Carrier that can jump and doesn't have as good of firepower. Why use this when you can launch LRMs from a vehicle that costs 10% of the price and actually will do the job better? Finally, the suggestion that any military would go out of its way to make an incredibly expensive and vital war machine like a battlemech look like a gorilla is just beyond stupid and doesn't fit at all with anything Battletech.
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Member Review : 14-Jan-2007 00:00
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BattleMech: Penetrator PTR-4D
Rating: 5.00
Comment: This is a really good design, and about as good as you can get with Inner Sphere mechs. Where do I start? ER large lasers for long range, incredibly effective medium pulse lasers for close range, enough heat sinks to fire all your weapons of a similar range together, good manuverability (for a heavy mech) and no XL engine! I've played with this mech a few times and it's one of the few Inner Sphere mechs that actually fares rather well against clan mechs. I really don't care for the Inner Sphere version of AMS though and would probably scrape it for more armor or heat sinks.

My only complaint is why we had to wait until TRO 3055/58 to get any good Inner Sphere level 2 mechs like this and the Devestator.
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