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Kell Hounds

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PostPosted: 14-Oct-2002 23:13    Post subject: RE: WARNING WARNING....... Reply to topic Reply with quote

"Harvesters this is Harvester One, hold strong. Use no fortifications, we will hold them where we stand!" As reinforcements arrived she opened her Gauss up on a Dr. Zauis special heavy tank, blowing a massive hole in the side. "Autumn Fleet, get inbound and ground behind them as giant gun turrets."

"Harvester One to Comstar Facilties...I wish to send a priority message..."

Jarylan Blackwell

"What the...?! Where did you get THAT?!"

"Creative aquisition."
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Bowtie Bob
Clan Wolf
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Point Commander

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PostPosted: 14-Oct-2002 23:41    Post subject: RE: WARNING WARNING....... Reply to topic Reply with quote

*walks into bar and looks around*

"Hmm...doesn't smell THAT bad...why's everbody runnin' out so fast?"

*walks over to bar and orders a beer*

If you can't take the heat...stay out of the cockpit.

Beer...It's what's for dinner.
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Free Worlds League
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Master Sergeant

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PostPosted: 15-Oct-2002 00:01    Post subject: RE: WARNING WARNING....... Reply to topic Reply with quote

As the battle raged on throughout the day more and more apes kept arriving with newer and more dangerous weapons. Although some of the best trained and well equipped forces in the planet had mobilized to fight, the human populace of Solaris 7 was still fighting and staring down an ever growing number of simian troops.

“damnit how many of them are there!!!”
the 2 laser cannons go off again craving gaping holes in the lines of simian infantry. To the dismay of those on the hill the holes quickly fill in.
“commander fish!”
“this is dead-fish over”
“sir good news we the satellites have found the dropships. Their grouped in a dry lake bed about 60 km west south west of your position. There must be hundreds of them!”
“hundreds! Where the hell did they all come from! There were no reports of abnormal dropship activity!!”
“We really cant figure it out sir. I have other news for you as well. We were able to successfully recall the zephyr but she has encountered a number of aero fighter squadrons that have slowed her return.”
“damn we cant leave this hill unguarded with the laser cannons up here. Are there any units in reserve”
"Well sir you have heavy security companies alpha and beta with you. Heavy security gamma is in the tunnels fighting off any that try to come in our direction. All of keeper battalion is on the zephyr. Cyclone battalion is up on the streets protecting the complex and bar. we can send some elements of home battalion but we need to keep at least half of them for reserve. ”
“what about the prototype Mechs? There must be at least half a battalion worth of them. Use them to defend the complex and send some of cyclone up here to free us up.”
“as ordered sir. Eta for support 12 minuets”

“sir here they come again!”
“hurry captain if they take too long there will be nothing here to support”

Here to save the Erf
Slayer of the grey menace.
bananas may be dangerous but grapes kill.

[ This Message was edited by: Dead-Fish on 2002-10-15 00:04 ]
Perpetually decamped

SBIASBL inc. - Everything you asked for, and even more of what you didn't.
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Kell Hounds

Joined: 10-Sep-2002 00:00
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PostPosted: 15-Oct-2002 00:12    Post subject: RE: WARNING WARNING....... Reply to topic Reply with quote

The battle around General Harewood's massive BattleMaster slowed as she composed her message to New Avalon. "First Princess Yvonne Davion, I respectfully request whatever warship assets the Federated Suns can allow me in defense of the Solaris VII. Considering the sheer number of troops, if we cannot contain them here, we will lose all hope. They will spread like a plague through the Inner Sphere. I would also like to request three MI-6 commando units. The Rabid Foxes may be what we need to crush their command integrity and break their morale. I hope that you respond quickly, before all is lost."

Several days later, 2 Avalon class cruisers with a flotilla of assault dropships appeared in system and began a high-speed burn toward Solaris.

Jarylan Blackwell

"What the...?! Where did you get THAT?!"

"Creative aquisition."
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The Knights of Chaos

Joined: 30-Apr-2002 00:00
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PostPosted: 15-Oct-2002 02:11    Post subject: RE: WARNING WARNING....... Reply to topic Reply with quote

The fight had not been going well. We started out dropping 18 mechs in the first 6 seconds of combat. I had claimed 3 myself, And my command had been making a very good showing. Apparentely though we had attracted to much attention and the 2 trinaries soon became 3. The Legionnaires had been our saving point since the monkeys had pressed the atttack that played into the Lego's Maces that they weilded. They were averaging a mech kill a swing (I still havent seen a mech that can take that) Each swing crushednearely 4.5 tons of armor. But after 4 hours of fighting now I was out of gauss ammo and nearly out of armor, Missiles had run out long ago as well. I watched in horror as our Crab tried desperately to leave the field, only to fall and have as the leg was ripped off by a devestating dual Ac-20 burst. It was then that I saw it the biggest mech Ive ever seen. Luckely Alexx had shown up to lend a hand. Very nice jump move there with the hatchet. Shortly befor the Donkey Kong fell as well called it both of my Lego Pilots lit their jump jets and took to the air behind Alexx. As 2 more of the monsters had shown up, before either could get a back shot off on the Alexx each Lego Fired a pointblank shot that was horrific to witness 6 Er Medium Lasers and 4 Er Smalls Slammed into the Pristine Machines sending thier shots wide and high. Seconds later their battle was completed as the Lego's landed solid mace hits to put them down for good.

"Nice work you 2" I stated over Zeta frequency. "Glad you could join up Alexx we could use the support, Ive got 4 down and 1 possibly for good. All heavies and assults are still up. Ammo depleted." I stated.

"Copy knight 1, The rest of the company is comming up ETA is 30 seconds. Nice Mace work there" Alexx stated as he spun the massive warmachine around to face the oncomming horde. "Oh my god, they are going on forever!"

"Yeah, we have noticed that as well, when we survive this well talk modifications. Were trying to drop the light right now with combined fire" 2 flights of Mechbusters scream low over head and unleash their nose-mounted fury on the advancing mechs, Dropping 3 meduims and a heavy that erupts in small nova, "Sweet Jesus! They got a engine to go on that pass!" The resulting explosion takes out several platoons of simian infantry and drops 3 more light mechs. "Alright Chaos lets go to a open frequency and all get on the same page, Paladin lance form up on me, Templar's form up on Alexx, Warlord take my right flank and may the pike men rest in piece." Teh Temperature swelled in the cockpit as I unleashed the Devestators Twin clan Er Ppc's into a Simian Dashi, The first one melted nearely a ton of armor off of the right torso, the second shot turned the cockpit into slag as the machine slumped to the ground.

"Alexx I have 4 Machines down 3 hundered yards behind the lines right now, They all went down about 5 mins ago, I have 3 units inboud to extract the mechwarrors but we need to clear the path and push them back." The Legionnaires started a push on my right that was just frightening, in the next 10 seconds of fighting they downed 3 machines each. The Dashi piloted by my Xo unleashed a alphastrike into the side of a Timberwolf and dropped the machine. There was a sudden change as the line started to shift for the first time the other way. Off on my left Alexx downed another Mech, having cleaved the head off of a Thor. Our Awesome 9QR unleashed a hellish electral storm on a pair of light mechs off in the distance, dropping both. All machines were running so hot now that the counter fecie attacks were burnign up before the damage was done, their Laser fire was horrendous, as the Large laser melted more armor off of my right leg, I returned fire with my 2 ErPpc's shearing the right arm off causing it to cruse a squad of infantry, whail the other vaporized the last of the armor off of the center torso. I squeezed the triger again with the setting on alphastrike and dropped the machine. "Damn the heat gauge is in the red, cant slow the firing to much." Setting it to single fire and taking careful aim on a approching Gladiator, squeezing it off the head vaporized in a swirl of electrical sparks.

The last of the fallen Chaos mechs were now safely behind us by a hundered yards as we surged forward.

"Evac Get in here and get them out of here NOW!" Laying down covering fire the combined forces of the Crimson Jannassaries and the Knights of Chaos held the front line as the simiens surged forward. "Just a little longer Alexx and we can start a slow retreat or hold here" Another pass by the Mechbusters and some VTOL's dropped a couple more mechs they peeled off and shortly after a two huge bolts of energy slice into the far ranks of the invaders turning several dozen foot soliders into vapor and dropping 5 mechs each. "Either one will work for me. My god thoes guns are Unbelievable!"

"Clerics to Knight 1, do you copy" asked the Evac team.
"Copy Cleric, go"
"All personel acounted for moving at top speed back to the city."
"Copy Clerics good work, First rounds on me"

A huge surge from the simiens pushed our line back a hundered yards.

"BLAST! dont these things need to sleep!"

The battle had been raging for almost 5 hours now, Everyone was reaching a breaking point......


[ This Message was edited by: Stinger on 2002-10-15 02:14 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Stinger on 2002-10-15 02:27 ]
If it's "creepy" to use the Internet, military satellites, and robot aircraft to find a house full of gorgeous young models so I can drop in on them unexpected, then FINE, I'm "creepy". Howard Wolowitz. BBT.
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Mr. Referee
Mr. Referee

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PostPosted: 15-Oct-2002 02:16    Post subject: RE: WARNING WARNING....... Reply to topic Reply with quote

*mean while, as the battle raged on below the battle for the sky's continued.-*

"Starfurry's 10 thru 30 move to sector 5, aid the assult dropships there..... there heavily ingaged with simian warships. white star three your cleared for dock, resupply quickly."

*the beautifull commander said, from the bridge of A5 station. nuetral ground of the inner sphere, but presently a target of the simian threat.*

"Commander Malina, were registering several jump point emission in sector 23. cause unknown... possibly more hostiles."

*the young sensor technician said in a trembling voice*

"thank you corpral. keep come, they've yet to move inside our defensive gride. the may be damned dirty apes but there not stupid."

*she turned to look at the tactical readout screens. assessing the situation. the simians were numbering in ungodly amounts.*

where did they get all this hard where. the captain was around when the last great wart happened, and it was nothing like this.

*she thought, as the 134 out of 180 defensive fighters ingaged the simian fighters. aided only by the white star assult dropships, 8 of which had been destroyed.*

"Why are they waiting?"

*as not far in the distance, a flash of light so brilliant that the auto-dimmers on the view port blackened out. the sensor tech turned, his face white with terror*

"Mam, i've never seen something so large fold. its massive. i'm detecting multiple smaller ship, detaching from the main object. by number and design... i would say there nothing more the fold genirators for the main object."

*as numerous ships, change course heading straight towards the station.*

"everybody get ready. this is gonna hurt."

one must work hard to cultivate the mind and body. and one must always cultivate the mind.

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Mr. Referee
Mr. Referee

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PostPosted: 15-Oct-2002 02:34    Post subject: RE: WARNING WARNING....... Reply to topic Reply with quote

*lighting his jets again, the metal of the ports having long ago become white hot.*

"Command Lance, Black Rose 1... company munitions expended. 2 are down... the apes have ripped them apart inside there cockpits. these BA are slowly picking use apart, i'm issueing a withdraw for repair and rearm. will fight till reinforcements arrive."

*landing on one of the armored gorillas. both lasers tearing into another armor.*

"These bastards are good, there matching use. we've been forced back 2 miles from there point of entrence. advise the cannons to withdraw before the get cut off. looks like a battalion of gorrila ba is inbound to there location."

*the sound of a gorrila's howl booms over the comm.*

"Ah SHIT!"

*as a loud resounding clang of a mech hand slapping a unwanted pest from its hide, is heard.*

"The remote camera also reports that there deploying armored calvery from the cave enterence. sorry boss, but were over run baddly. requesting all air and artillery support at this location. god have mercy on use..... Black Rose out."

one must work hard to cultivate the mind and body. and one must always cultivate the mind.

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Sir Henry
Team Bansai
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PostPosted: 15-Oct-2002 08:10    Post subject: RE: WARNING WARNING....... Reply to topic Reply with quote

Three things I learned from the last Simian uprising.
1 - They are governed by their instincts.

2 - Cut the head off, and the body dies.

3 - be ready for the feces threat(smell).

Chihawk, I'll activiate the anti-simian defence grids around the B&G. Feces dissolver, Simian DNA Identification, Normal Defences and Air Freshener..

It's time to start removing the Simians...

Sir Henry

A Dragon in the disguise of a bunny, is still a Dragon.
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Kell Hounds

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PostPosted: 15-Oct-2002 10:29    Post subject: RE: WARNING WARNING....... Reply to topic Reply with quote

Fighting past the Monkey blockade, the Federated Suns Warships took position over the dry lake bed the monkeys had touched down in and began bombarding their staging and repair areas. Meanwhile, FedSuns assault dropships began starfing the battle lines and dumping special forces commandos behind the lines.

Jarylan Blackwell

"What the...?! Where did you get THAT?!"

"Creative aquisition."
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The Knights of Chaos

Joined: 30-Apr-2002 00:00
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PostPosted: 15-Oct-2002 12:10    Post subject: RE: WARNING WARNING....... Reply to topic Reply with quote

As the first of the dropships made their assult on the simian front lines 4 Overlord class dropships began their landing procedures in the nearby star port. As the Fedcom forces departed they quickely gathered and formed lances to join the fray.

"Defenders of Solaris, Avalon Hussares at your service, Hitting the front line in 45 seconds. Pull back for rearming and repare. Rejoin the fray when able."

"Copy Avalon command, Good to see you" Came the collective reply.

The simian threat was now getting clobbered as the assult dropships made pass after pass, The fresh troops and mechs were turning the tide for good.

"Avalon command, Dead fish here. We have a a company of Simian battlearmor inbound, There about as powerful as Toads, lend is a few when able."

"Copy Dead fish sending 2 lances of toadkillers your way."

Blast the last shot crushed my Er Ppc! Suddenely behind me came a staggering volley of longrange wepons, The calvarey had arrived, at long last! I ordered the remaining Knights of Chaos to fall back and let the Hussars take their positions.

"Alexx were pulling back we need to rearm and refit."

"Copy Stinger, falling back"

Another withering barrage of long range weapons came from behind us. The front lines of the simians was now in complete disarray. Upon recieveing word that the simian dropships were destroyed, I breathed a sigh of relef. As the remaning Hussars came up, their sherr numbers started the simians falling back. Soon the Hussars had pushed them back almost 5 hundered yards.

As we turned to go I tried to reach my tech.
"Mac, Knight 1, you copy?" I hoped my head tech was still around.
"I gotcha Knight, is it over?" He asked.
"Looks like it. Their in retreat it appears. Get your teams ready, and fire up the Extractors there is lots of salvage out here. Both ours and theirs." Well I had lost a total of 7 mechs and 2 mechwarriors that I would have to replace. At least we held them I thought.
"Copy boss, Were on our way. See you at the castle" Came the reply.

The damage inside the town was unbelieveable. We came around the corner only to run into Vagabond's Mech. He was locked in furious combat with around 30 of the armored troopers and 5 mechs. Running forward we let loose with all remaining wepons the Mechs dropped to the combined fire of our machines. Vagabond quickesly dispatched the mech he was facing as we dropped the remaining 4. The BA quickely turned to engage us. We opened up with everything. The Erppc's vaporized them one by one as the others were smashed underfoot. This area was now secure, for the moment. Combining forces for the moment we pushed on to the repair facilities, the Commline confirmed that the Hussares were moping up. The Evac crews screamed by to get the survivors, as recovery units moved out to start the cleanup.

Well we survived, I dont know how but we did.

If it's "creepy" to use the Internet, military satellites, and robot aircraft to find a house full of gorgeous young models so I can drop in on them unexpected, then FINE, I'm "creepy". Howard Wolowitz. BBT.
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Capellan Confederation

Joined: 08-Oct-2002 00:00
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PostPosted: 15-Oct-2002 13:03    Post subject: RE: WARNING WARNING....... Reply to topic Reply with quote

Ironhand watches his recon company run down the main street when they suddenly stop.

"Bravo Leader to Command with.....son of a ..."
Ironhand watches Major Kipley's Wasp engulfed in a ball of feces.

"Command One we have contact, West gate" sqwaks Capt. Patrick Law.
"How many?" asks Ironhand
"Ummm, I think all of them, Sir."
"Open fire! All lances fire at will! Bravo Company fall back!" commands Ironhand as the recon company falls back towards the spaceport.
As Ironh steps into the gate, he sees an Urco heavy mech step out into the street. It's heavy Chiquita cannons pound one of his Stingers.
"You mother monkey!" curses Ironhand, "1sr lance fire!"
The Manicores's PPC's sizzle as four tanks fire into the Urco. It staggers back a moment then lunges forward again.
"Lance two, fire!"
Manicore PPC's rip into the Urco again stopping it cold. It stands there swaying, arms down.
"Command One, This is Bravo leader. He's mine." yells Major Kipley, his limping Wasp, scorched by feces walks around in front of the huge mech. Towering above him, Kipley's Wasp jumps and in a modified 'death from above' manuever, kicks up into the Urco's center articulation joint- lower section, and triggers his medium laser in its face. The urco hunkers forward then falls to its side.

Several simian mechs charge out into the street turning it into a pitched melee battle. The simian commander executes a 'Banana Split' manuver and lands in front of the gates.
Ironhand's Dragon unleashes its LRM's into its center torso as the mech loses balance. Ironhand rushes forward and triggers his autocannon, point blank, into the mech's leg. The leg plating and wiring explode as the leg is severed. Grabbing the still sparking leg, Ironhand crushed the simian mech's head with one blow, sending monkey mush splattering over the near by buildings.

"Command One. West gate is Breeched!" says Capt. Law, "We got monkeys in the spaceport."

"Son of a monkey's uncle," surses Ironhand turning his Dragon into the gate as Bravo Company mops up the remaining monkey units on the street amist the still glowing hot monkey feces and banana caseings.
"Brove Company hold postion at the gate. Shott anything yellow or with bad breath." commands Ironh speeding through the gate.

The spaceport's tarmc is an absolute circus as the simian forces push for the dropships.
"Dropship Falcon, open fire!" syas Ironhand triggering his autocannon into the nearest simian mech. The Overlord's naval batteries lash out ripping through the simian mechs.
A simian mech near Ironhand is hit by a volley of infernos and explodes.
"Who's you monkey's Daddy?" yells Capt. Martin, "That's another kill for Martin's Mech Killers!"
The simians begin to retreat under the heavy naval barrage. Ironhand's leopard's pursuing them across the tarmac. A single Chimp medium mech fighting in the center of the field. The Chimp's cannon empty, his laser destroyed, fights with his hands only.

"Command One to Killer ONe." says Ironhand, "Barbeque that mother monkey!"

Infernos streak from four positions as the Chimp's armor is melted. It's head explodes as the mech falls.
"Wow!" screechs Martin, "They really smell bad burnt!"
"Hey, Command One. Can we eat it?" laughs Capt. Law.
"Stow it, Law, and hold your position at the wall. "says Ironhand grinning, "So much for a quiet drink. I wonder if the bar is still open."

Steiner Forever!
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The Knights of Chaos

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PostPosted: 15-Oct-2002 14:31    Post subject: RE: WARNING WARNING....... Reply to topic Reply with quote

Later pouring over the damage (both delt and recieved) I noticed a trend with all of the monkey mechs. They could fight in hand to hand well but they just werent the best shots. (quietely thants God for that) Well the final tallies for The Knights of Chaos had lost 6 machines total, including all of the recon lance. The Hankyu was beyond repair, The Raven was repareable but would need a new pilot same with the the Clint, Mac had said that it whould be put out to pasture as well. The Phoenix hawk would need new legs and a right torso. The Timberwolf would need a massive overhaul as well. Same with the Thug. It looked like out R&R stay was just extended.

The damage we inflicted was much more devistating in the first 6 seconds of battle we dropped 18 light units. I had Accounted for a total of 15 destroyed mechs my Xo Byron had accounted for 10 mechs the Awesome piloted by Shelly suffered major damage but took out 12 machines as well. The Pair of Legionnaires totaled a combined 40 kills with half of thoes being kills that were shoot and drop one mace another. The rest of the unit had scattered kills totalling near 19 other machines. 96 Machines total. For what? There was no reason for the attack, and they came out of nowhere!

As I headed back to the B&G I figured I should ask Chihawk about them as he didnt seem to be phased by them at all...

If it's "creepy" to use the Internet, military satellites, and robot aircraft to find a house full of gorgeous young models so I can drop in on them unexpected, then FINE, I'm "creepy". Howard Wolowitz. BBT.
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Mr. Referee
Mr. Referee

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PostPosted: 15-Oct-2002 14:35    Post subject: RE: WARNING WARNING....... Reply to topic Reply with quote

*having been rescued, and able for the first time today he breaths a sigh*

"Thank Avalon Command for the assist."

*his mech shit covered, every last bit of armor having long melted away. his right side looking much like that of the pilot, missing. sparks, and crackles accompany any movement.*

"Black Rose recall... regroup this position. You don't mind if we walk home with you Avalon Command, didn't think so."


*mean while, in space another battle rages. a fleet of ships that has never been assembled since the fall of the star league, attacks the immobile but heavily armed A5 space station. with the lose of there ground bound dropships, the simians want blood. numerious detachments of fighters, dropships, and warship break to punish the Fed Com Fleet.*

"Squadron Leaders report. White Star fleet, move to sector 3 and position yourself between use and them. Comm get those Fed BA@@ards on the line."

*as reports filed in, only 50 of the 180 fighters still flight opperational, and that was being kind at what opperational was. over 25 percent of the white stars were destroyed or disabled. it was not looking good.*

"Heaven be kind to use."

*the comm activating*

"Fed Com vessels, requesting your assistence... ingaged with overwhelming forces. detachment of enemy heading your way... please advise."

*as another salvo of energy is released as over 96 navel cannons engage enemy threats. another impact rocks the bridge.*

"Copy A5... with attempt assist."

*looking out thru the view screen, malina sees multiple mini stars form then wink out. all the time, the simian station hovers out there in the black void... ever ominous. just waiting, disgorging its own fighters.*

one must work hard to cultivate the mind and body. and one must always cultivate the mind.

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Kell Hounds

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PostPosted: 15-Oct-2002 14:38    Post subject: RE: WARNING WARNING....... Reply to topic Reply with quote

General Harewood moved the battle scarred BattleMaster forward. "Great to see you, Hussars." Several explosions were heard. "That's it... All enemies down or in retreat... Damn, won't be much salvage on this mission. Get the 58th's Techs and vehicles out there. Let the mercs choose first, but take priority on repairing all FedSuns material." There was a pause. "And someone call Archon Peter Steiner and explain why a FedSuns RCT is on Solaris before we get hit with LCAF troops."

Jarylan Blackwell

"What the...?! Where did you get THAT?!"

"Creative aquisition."
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Sir Henry
Team Bansai
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PostPosted: 15-Oct-2002 15:41    Post subject: RE: WARNING WARNING....... Reply to topic Reply with quote

Of course the B&G is open. It's Always open. and smells better too..... Wash before you come in....

Sir Henry

A Dragon in the disguise of a bunny, is still a Dragon.
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